
Passionate about the experiences of life, I find pleasure in the bare beauty of nature, the daily dance and songs of our co-habitants, the sculpture of the human shape, and their diverse personalities. I learn from paying attention to things and listening carefully to what the Universe has to say. A lot of times, I hear my intuition through a cascade of noises guiding me with ease. I am just a soul who has places to go and more wisdom to gather.
What does AknaLight mean?
Akna means goddess of fertility and childbirth in Inuit mythology and goddess of motherhood and birthing in Maya mythology. I added light to Akna which was a reminder to myself that I carry the light of the goddess of motherhood.
With the innate motherhood energy that constantly wants to care for others, I started developing an interest in the livelihood of a mother. As I was growing up, I was always involved in other people’s battles in their defense. The one thing I was doing wrong was attaching myself to others' reality when I was completely absent from my own. I suffocated my fears and pains without realizing sooner or later they will catch up to me. It was finally time to let go of everything and everyone that no longer served me which I found was the hardest and painful time in my life. I became a mother to my own self, making sure I was doing great within. Checking up on my emotional, mental, and physical state often. It has been a great experience to be able to nurture and care for myself and my inner child. I became the person I spent years seeking outside of me; only then I discovered the different layers of my being. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon as more greatness has entered my life by focusing on watering my grass.
Once more, welcome to my blog which is the gate of sharing my gifts with the world.

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(It does not take an arm nor a leg to respect people's work and transparently quote something you feel related to, in the process just give credit where it is due.)


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