
I saw it coming.
I'd be lying to myself if I said no.
Let me now take the pride to say,
Yes, I've seen it coming.
The attachment, Oh yeah!
How dare you enter my world.

I tried to stay away,
But it was too good to be true.
It was tempting.
I tried to stay away, I swear.
But I couldn't help it.

It was pulling me slowly.
Whispering sweet little words.
Telling me that everything will be Ok.
And I Believed!

But when reality struck,
I was stuck.
Stuck in my thoughts.
What have I done?
I started blaming myself.
I wasn't expecting to be hurt.

I was left hurt.
Lying on the floor,
Couldn't dare to scream for help.
I stare at the sky, hoping, like a dead bird, that I will see a sign.

Hopeless being,
All I wanted to hear was an explanation.
How to stay away from attachment?
How to deal with it?

In the end,
To pick me up, all I could say was,
"Everything will be alright."
If the sun is not shining today,
Trust me, it will shine one day.

Steffi Saint-Pierre...

All Rights Reserved


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