2014!!! Happy New Year!!!

What a year it was!
This year was a year of discovering, accepting, growing, and loving the self.
A year where the soul wanted to get rid of old baggage that was weighing the body.
Physically, emotionally and mentally, my body wanted to be free.
It's never easy to go through life changes, but if we allow ourselves to see changes as turnovers for a better tomorrow, things will get much easier.
2013 really made me realize that we are all here to learn, and every time we don't get the lesson, it repeats itself until we get it.
That is why I don't blame the situations that I stumbled upon because I could stand back up, tap my shoulder, and whisper "Great job, well done and keep moving" to myself.

One of the things that 2013 taught me is that people are capable of breaking, poisoning, and sabotaging your life, while others can pull you up and help you gather the broken pieces together.
We need to truly pay attention to the people we value in life.
What are their roles in our life?
Are they feeding on us, standing by us, or growing with us?
I have also realized that there's also a craving for attention, and people also use others to get that attention.
All wrong intentions have their weights (physically, emotionally, and mentally) on us.
So be careful about what you intend to do to someone else.
Just make sure that you are on the same page.
And yes, we tend to pick up the habits of the people that we hang out the most with.
"Qui se ressemble, s'assemble."
With what's been said, if you want to be successful, gather a few successful people in your team.
Don't expect to get where you want to be by keeping the same people discouraging you from embracing who you are meant to be.
"Balon an, se nan pye ou li ye."
Just be wise. Never kick it to the opposite team.

2013 brought me self-love. This is one of the best memory that I have of this year.
I was able to cherish, embrace, and utterly love this body that I am in.
Not only my body, but I've discovered this energetic being that just wanted to burst the bubble that it was in.
I got tired of all the barriers that I've created over the years.
They are mere mental barriers, which eventually have their tolls on my life.
I will just choose one, which I believe a lot of people have to deal with.
FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, FEAR................
And the list goes on.
Yes, Fear...
This little parasite creeps into your life and sometimes sucks the living hell out of you.
We get sometimes stuck with it by not knowing how to get rid of it.
Fear of just be, yes! This can be the hardest thing to do.
When you invite self-love into your life, you don't have too much time to see what someone else is doing or saying. Your ability to give yourself the full attention that it deserves.
But when we are depleted from self-love, we tend to seek it outside, which can get us lost by not knowing what we really want, or we just want what others won't, and we just want to be that next person.
And we end up feeling all depressed and unhappy because we just don't fit in someone else's shoes.
Well, guess what? It is just time for you to find your own shoes, find what makes you happy for yourself.

At the end of the day, I'm extremely grateful for every single thing in my life.
I'm open to any changes.
I feel as if I can manage the turmoil that comes with change.
Faith, Courage, and Strength were my accessories for 2013, and I'm still going to stick them in my purse everywhere I go.
Getting closer to the Universe is one of my goals, which I realize I've been accomplishing step by step and day by day.
I just hope that this year more people will find that burning light inside of them, where they will be able to use it as a torch for themselves and others.
Wishing everyone a wonderful New Year!!!
Make the best out of it, and let love be the center of your life.
Just know that everything is possible. You just have to Believe.

Bisous a vous tous!
Coming from a warm ♥heart.

Steffi Saint-Pierre♥♥♥

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