2019, it was real!

It's been a while since I graced my blog with my thoughts. I've made promises to keep up with my writings, which was a complete lie because I have not written since my last post. Life in itself comes at you fast, we just need to create time to work on the things we love.

How was 2019 for you? On top of that, we are welcoming a new decade. As they say, "out with the old, in with the new." Have you reflected on the last decade? Well, I had🙋

So one of the lessons is to take accountability for your action. If you want something, make sure you put in the work to see the results. Learn to call yourself out when things are not getting done. Get rid of distractions. One major distraction of our time is social media, and I'm here to admit it. If I could gather all the hours I've spent just browsing through not getting anything done, I could of probably be a millionaire by now, who knows. This is to show you that the notion of not "having time" was embedded in us. We all have 24 hours in a day and 168 hours in a week; we need about 8 hours of well-rested sleep. Even if we worked 40 hours a week, we still have 72 hours to play with. Let start using our time effectively, and it begins by taking "I don't have time" out of your vocabulary. I hope this will boost you in using your time wisely.

Who's got your back? (I'm currently reading a book with this title). The decade allowed me to evaluate my relationships and friendships. One thing it taught me is to not be surprised that the most toxic person you might encounter is a member of your own family (it can be an extended family too). So the thought that family is thicker than blood was thrown out the window when I came to the realization that a dear friend can indeed become family and feel like home. Your most needed support system comes faster from your outside niche. It was a hard pill to swallow, but I had to pump up my chest and remind myself that I can digest any type of lesson that comes my way. On the other side of friendship, I've muttered to myself a couple of times that I was not too lucky with well-rounded people with no agenda of throwing tantrums when things could have resolved in a more understanding and accepting manner. Tolerance came to mind while writing this part, but while we can tolerate certain behaviors from others, our boundaries should always be at play so that we don't let anyone walk all over us.
Always set boundaries, be aware of what you can accept from someone, and what you won't let flow. Respect is one of the most important things for me. If I won't do something to you, best believe I won't accept someone to do it to me. Communication is essential, which I had to learn through experiences. Support comes a long way when it comes to friendship. Sometimes it happens where you have to be present physically, but we need to be mindful that at times a friend can support you from afar through word of advice or by continually checking on you. We tend to expect a lot from others. But having so much expectation from someone can feel like a burden. At the end of the day, we are all humans with a will to change. When I put my heart into doing something for someone, I make sure it's done with all my heart without needing anything in return. In relation, there is a constant give and take that usually takes place. The only time I'll feel alarmed is if I'm continually giving, and the other party is just entertaining. I won't put myself in a position of been depleted.
Last but not least, SINCERITY. Sincerity can assist in rebuilding broken bridges. To anyone out there with the gut of staying true to themselves and sincere, may all the right doors keep opening for you because you deserve it.😁

Tolerance, respect, communication, support, acceptance, understanding, and sincerity are the words that describe what part of building any part of relation with someone is essential to me.

So many changes happened during this decade that I'm utterly proud of. Never stop working on yourself, no matter the circumstances. Always remind yourself that you are "Grand." You are deserving of all the greatness gracing your life right now. Know your worth, which will allow you to be in the right places with the right people. Always trust your intuition. Be mindful you are not in total control in life, but you can change the gear. Follow your ideas because they come to you for a reason. If you have a plan or a business idea, follow through with it no matter the cost, even if it's by taking 30 minutes out of your day to work on it. As long as you are breathing, you can create, therefore, be the creator you came here to be.✌

One of my goals this year is to read one book a month, which I'll make sure to share with you. And the book for January is "Who's got your back" by Keith Ferrazzi.

May the year 2020 bring you health and abundance in all corners of your life.

If you are planning on reading this book, do not hesitate to share your thoughts with me. I'm also taking book recommendations. Which books are you planning on reading this year?👌

If you wish to purchase this book, click on the link below.


Steffi Saint-Pierre♥

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